My list of recent artistic awards include but are not limited to an "Award of Honor" an "Award of Excellence" and "Best of Show" at the WOWSPACE gallery in Wittenberg, Wisconsin. After being recognized three years in a row, rather than participating as an artist, I am flattered to have been offered a position as a jurist.
The only other blue ribbon I recall being awarded was at the Lake County Fair in Grayslake, Illinois. It was a finger painting of a little girl standing outside a cage which housed a lion, rendered, of course, by messy little fingers which limits the amount of detail one can achieve without making an even bigger mess. I expect I was not up against very stiff competition, but to a five year old a blue ribbon is pretty impressive.
Considering the number of years that have lapsed between these two successes, the logical conclusion one might arrive at is that I am certainly not pursuing my art with my eye on the elusive goals of fame and fortune. Quite to the contrary, my motivation is grounded in subject matter and techniques that challenge my talent as well as the joy and satisfaction I experience in knowing I have created just a little more beauty for the earth.
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy what you will see here.